Latisse Lashes
Are your lashes thinning over time? Not enough lashes? LATISSE® is an FDA-approved treatment to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate or not enough lashes. Grow longer, fuller, darker lashes!
Important Safety Information
Do not use LATISSE® if you are allergic to one of its ingredients. If you use/used prescription products for eye pressure problems, use LATISSE® under doctor care. May cause brown darkening of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. LATISSE® may cause eyelid skin darkening which may be reversible. Only apply at base of upper lashes. DO NOT APPLY to lower lid. Hair may grow outside the treatment area. If you have eye problems/surgery, consult your doctor. Common side effects include itchy and red eyes. If discontinued, lashes gradually return to previous appearance.
These are not all the possible side effects of LATISSE®. For more information, please talk to your doctor.
Please see LATISSE® full Product Information.

B-12 Shot
How Vitamin B-12 Benefits the Body:
- Boosts energy and memory
- Supports immune system
- Growth and development of nerve, skin, hair and blood cells
- Metabolizes amino and fatty acids
- Works to convert food to usable energy
- Produces genetic material
- Helps treat Alzheimer’s disease
- Can help sufferers of nervous disorders

Vitamin Infusion
Drip Benefits:
- 100% absorption
- Fast delivery
- Complete rehydration
- Restore vitamin levels
- Energy boost
- Immune support
- Instant results
Additional IV treatment cocktails: treat migraines, nausea and vomiting, and generalized fatigue!
Also Available…
Teeth Whitening
Nitronox available for your comfort